Star FM Sebes

Romania, Alba, Sebes
Last update 4 years ago

In short, about the project

Star FM Sebes is a non-profit radio on the Internet every day brings the best news and best songs. This radio station was created for lovers of good music, music We love you all know.
  • Star FM Sebes - 1/1
Star FM Sebes
Romania, Alba, Sebes,
Modified 4 years ago

In short, about the project
Star FM Sebes is a non-profit radio on the Internet every day brings the best news and best songs. This radio station was created for lovers of good music, music We love you all know.

Additional information

Info: Radio Star Fm - Cea mai buna muzica din oras!

Star FM Sebes is a non-profit radio on the Internet every day brings the best news and best songs. This radio station was created for lovers of good music, music We love you all know, here you can feel good when you listen to music.

- Nicoleta Lemeny - administrator
- Ionut Lemeny-Director
- Corina Corpodean-Redactor
- Oliviu Popa-Redactor
- Florin Cosma-Suport Tehnic

- Un cantec pentru fiecare
- Amalgam
- Star Matinal
- Star Plus

Pentru oferte de publicitate va sta la dispozitie tel.0724.558.266 sau [email protected]

Web site: Visit the official website


Contact seller Star FM Sebes

What you can report: wrong or outdated information, idle radio stream, issues related exclusively to this media project.

    Leave a feedback!

    Tell others what you think about this radio station. You can only add a review if you are logged in! You need to log in first.
    Talk strictly about this project. Musical dedications are not accepted.
    Because we want spam to be removed, reviews will be reviewed before publishing.
    Web links that lead to external pages can contain viruses or mallware
    The information on the promotion page may have incorrect writing or data

    Location of the radio station

    Romania, Alba, Sebes